Precision Heli-Support, LLC
PHS is staffed by qualified professional technicians with extensive experience in component overhaul and repair. See the list below for our in-house overhaul capabilities.
- 369D27609 Main Rotor Swashplate
- 600N7632 Main Rotor Swashplate
- 369D27600 Mixer Assembly
- 369D26301 Landing Gear Damper
- 369D26300 Landing Gear Damper
- 600N6050 Landing Gear Damper
- 369D25630 Oil Cooler Blower
- 60N5630 Oil Cooler Blower
- 369A7010-501 Uni-Lock
- 369A5350 Overrunning Clutch Assembly
- 369F5450 Overrunning Clutch Assembly
- 369A8104 Fuel Shut Off Valve
- 369H6001 Strut Assembly
- 369H6002 Strut Assembly
- 369H2025 Door Assembly
- 369D21721 Tail Rotor Fork
- 369D21800 Tail Rotor Pitch Control Assembly
- 369D21820 Tail Rotor Pitch Control Assembly
- 369A7014 Actuator
- 369D27001 Actuator
- 369A7170 Lateral Trim Actuator Assembly
- 369A7171 Longitudinal Trim Actuator Assembly
- 369D22025 Inlet Fairing
- Major Fuselage Repairs
- Kit Installations
- Custom Sheet metal Fabrications
- Composite Repairs
Airframe Experience
- MD Helicopters
- Airbus Helicopters
- Bell UH-1, 407
Maintenance Capabilities
- Staff of A&Ps / IA with factory training from OEM such as: MD, Airbus, Rolls Royce and Turbomeca
- All scheduled maintenance to include Airbus 12 year inspection
- Unscheduled and Line Maintenance
- STC Installations
- Pre-Buy Inspections
Parts Sales
- Current stock of over 10,000 parts
- Inventory primarily consist of MD and Airbus parts.
- Items not in stock can be procured through our network of partners within the aviation group
- AOG services offered 24 hours a day
- Avionics discounts on new parts and repairs through our OEM distributor agreements
Airbus Helicopters Service Center